Fantabulous Week
I just came from the court. I watched the Volleyball varsity team do their practice. A match between the guys against the girls was ongoing. Right now, I somehow want to join na. However, my stomach going into almost unbearable pain prohibits me. Anyway, the week is yet again about to come to an end. Many things have happened, and I just have to blog them out. :cheerful:
- Monday: Played Badminton with Robert, a 2nd year, against Mr. Hannibal and my PE classmate David. Guess what, we won. 😎
- Tuesday: Ate spaghetti then batchoy together with my classmates at the CUB (College Union Building, i.e. canteen) and had funny conversations.
(the ones in italics are actual lines)
Me: I want to play Tennis.
John Paul: Let’s play then! Ay, officer ka pala ‘noh.. (refers to the meeting of our org officers that afternoon)
Me: Oo nga eh..Everyone laughed. It’s because I never speak Tagalog with them. :tongue: Our teacher in CMSC124 didn’t hold a class that afternoon and it didn’t escaped our minds the thought that she is pregnant because her belly really looked different when she once wore a tight blouse. :faint: That night, I played the greatest Volleyball match of my life. :laugh: I won’t elaborate much. A down-the-line spike and about five (ace) blocks would be enough.
- Wednesday: I got the highest score in our quiz in Math114 (Linear Algebra). There were actually two of us who got 9/10. The quiz was, unexpectedly, about Matrix concepts. And I find it really ridiculous that most of us only got scores around 5. Our teacher always use a laptop and a projector when lecturing, but it was still a surprise for us when he opened a program called My Classroom Records and did the tallying of the scores right before our eyes! 😯 Also, I was laughing out loud before class started because my classmate Schiren has this line:
I don’t care. I don’t mind. I don’t give a damn. 😆
- Thursday: Played Badminton with Ma’am Tina (and Sir Faina, our Math114 teacher) against Dube and that Division of Biological Sciences staff who makes very funny and ‘feminific’ gestures and expressions that does not fail to make the game lively.
- Fri(To)day: Exam in Software Engineering was [no comment]. We had our first touch of Prolog programming in CMSC124.
My roommate when I was still in my first year is here at school again, paying a visit. He is presently working at a call center (who wouldn’t anyway) somewhere in Manila. Last year he also did the same thing. Look at what being single could do to a person — a spendthrift. Haha. Ati-Atihan Festival in Aklan will be tomorrow. I can’t go because none of my classmates who are from the place are not going home. I will still look forward to going there before graduating. Ehem, I guess that would be enough random thoughts for now. Have a great weekend everyone!
January 19, 2008 at 16:15
Hmmmm… do they male bodies out of pies there? I suggest you watch though i already gave a hint hehehehe. Watch it, highly recommended :laugh:
You’re good in math aren’t you? T_T I so envy you :faint:
January 19, 2008 at 23:30
woow… it sounds like you had a lot of fun im so enviioouusss :no:
ahh.. and you’re also good at sports, no? i can feel youre athletic xD hahahaha :laugh:
January 20, 2008 at 00:51
For some reason, sports related stuffs bores me.
January 20, 2008 at 20:04
good for u, u had a fun week.
January 24, 2008 at 05:07
Boys versus girls? Ahh..I bet the dudes won right?
Will you tutor me in math? Damm, I hate math I suck at it!
January 25, 2008 at 12:46
@Sese and Crystal: No, I’m not particularly good in Math. 🙂