One Down, More to Go

Posted on June 23, 2009 at 00:39 Down the Drain 4 Comments

The past week has been very different. Firstly, I was always able to get up before my alarm clock hits its bells noisily at 7:00. My classes were very fast-paced that if I didn’t learned some of them in my undergrad years I would’ve been totally left out. The thing that solely did not change could be my laziness. Yeah, I still need to work out a lot of it. In fact, I didn’t submit our last assignment today, as I thought that the questions were just for self-practice. Our first and final exam for our first subject was also today. I’m not confident that I’ll get a 75%, which is the one required to pass. Since I feel bothered and light at the same time, I decided to take a little walk at the mall to see if I could sort things out and perhaps buy some things.

I went to Oxygen and looked for good shirts (all of them are, anyway). My size wasn’t there so I tried another branch. But then I couldn’t find it easily in the mall across the street. As I stopped by Fully Booked to look for the X-Men Encyclopedia I was very interested in, I received a call that I have to get home because the money needs to be collected (which was left to me by my roommates). I guess that’d be all there is to it. Unwinding, yeah, right.

Slacking Off?

Posted on June 7, 2009 at 12:30 Down the Drain 5 Comments

Where in the world have I been lately anyway? After graduation, what’s going to happen to moi?

Actually, I’ve decided to go to school for one more year. I’m in Manila right now. Classes are supposed to already start tomorrow but due to the rain and the infamous A(H1N1), classes have been moved to the 15th. However, I am not certain if my classes are affected. I no longer consider myself a “regular” student after all. Anyways, I’ve been here for weeks already. I’ve already found a boarding house just a ride away from school. My roommates don’t seem to like me that much though (as much as I don’t like talking to them). See, they’ve been roommates for a year already. Cool, huh. Being left out, you can say that again. For days all I’ve been doing is sleep, eat, download a movie, go visit my relatives, or perhaps buy something at the stupid mall. The other day I even lost two thousand pesos. Life sure is hard around here… I can’t help but think how nice it would’ve been if I went home. I could’ve spend more days there especially now that the opening of classes have been allegedly moved. I just stayed at home for less than a week and then left again for school, you know.

It’s a good thing I have some high school classmates around. Classes haven’t started yet so we still have plenty of time to walk ’round. Yesterday I went to Trinoma with two of them and a schoolmate. All of them haven’t watched Angels & Demons yet, leaving me no choice but to watch it again. When we got out of the cinema we saw some of the Big Brother (Teen Edition) housemates of the last season. I think it would’ve been nice if we took a picture with them. They do all look good in person than in TV. After it we went home, had pizza and tuna for dinner, and settled down at my place. Right now, two of them are still in there, with no plans of getting up at all, it seems. And I’m starting to get irritated because of it…

In any case, I’ll try to be back here and do a post as often as I used to be.