Graduation Picture

Posted on February 10, 2009 at 19:34 Down the Drain 5 Comments

I had mine shot today together with my classmates and even though I’m not really sure how I looked at it, I just can’t wait to see them!


Chancellor’s Park

Posted on February 5, 2009 at 19:27 Down the Drain No Comments

Yesterday we took the Psychological Test for graduating students. It was surprising that I awoke early despite having gone out the other night. The first one gave me the feeling of an easy entrance exam. Correct grammar and abstract reasoning were primarily on it. Forty minutes was the time limit but I absentmindedly timed myself an hour and ten minutes so I ended up with a number of unattended questions. We were given a three-minute break before proceeding to the second one which was composed of 185 items (mostly subjective questions).

We left school a little past four, bought a few Filipino delicacies from “Gurrl”, walked home, and stopped by the so-called Chancellor’s Park. I had a good little chatter with four of my classmates about our elementary memories and experiences. The moment was serene.