
Posted on January 31, 2009 at 04:35 Down the Drain 3 Comments

I just moved to a different host and as of now this blog is of no high priority. School is keeping me ultimately busy. Please drop a comment if you passed by. Thanks.


Post-graduation Entrance Exams

Posted on November 16, 2008 at 22:35 Down the Drain 5 Comments

Say, I finally made myself a little busy these past few days. November’s halfway through and this is only my first post for the month.

November 11

Took the Procter & Gamble entrance (whatsoever) exam. It was an hour and five minutes-long test which consisted of only 40 items divided into Math, Business Logic, and Abstract. To think that the number of items is only small is such a simple task. However, the time allotted was still not enough for it. The second part is just too time-consuming. Luckily, as the results came out after only an hour, I found out that I passed. For now all that’s left is to wait for the results of the online assessment test which we did the following day.

The jeepney we were riding on our way to the city that day almost crashed or something. The driver was maneuvering it too fast that when he suddenly stepped on the brake a disturbing screeching sound was all over the place and we were all dragged towards his direction and moments after the smell of rubber entered our senses. Talk about Final Destination, if it pleases you, my friend. I actually thought that someone was hit.

Anyway, after hearing the good news after having lunch at the nearest Jollibee, we went to the movies and watched “Eagle Eye”. It’s an amazing movie and I recommend it to everyone.

November 14

Round 2 of An “Antique” Fiesta but this time we did a sleepover. We arrived at the place late in the afternoon and after dinner went to the fair (perya), our other classmate’s house, and finally to the barangay “‘auditorium” (yes, that’s how they coolly call the place where programs are held). Although it was pretty awkward to join in the disco because of the bright lights and, err, obsolete music, I just had no choice but to have fun like the others. We went home at around two in the morning after a fight between two guys was brought up. I was waken up at five early in the morning because of a band apparently rounding the place. I later knew that it’s a tradition of some sort and that it serves the purpose of waking the people up. Well, it surely accomplished its mission on me.

November 16

The CSC Professional Level exam was tougher than the Subprofessional which I took last year. After going out of the classroom I was like, “What did just happen?” There is absolutely no way that I’ll pass that exam! I still had a hard time doing some of the Math items and the vocabulary part was just too alien.