After “The Cherry Orchard”…

Posted on September 29, 2008 at 22:08 Down the Drain No Comments

A: What? You?
B: Yes. Me.
A: What have you come for?
B: Where is Elsa?
A: Dead. You know that.
B: You killed her.
A: I did not kill Elsa.
B: Oh yes you did. She was young and helpless, just like you. And she died slowly and painfully something like this.

4 + 1 Years & Counting…

Posted on September 27, 2008 at 21:40 Down the Drain 6 Comments

I planned to put up “something” today because it’s been exactly a year since I started using WordPress. Furthermore, it’s now 4 years and 12 days old of blogging for me. 🙂 But because I just came from mIRC, a seminar-workshop on microcontrollers which was really worth my registration and time, I failed to do so. As a sort of compensation, I’ll simply post my very first post which I fetched from Reminiscences.

September 13, 2004, Monday

My classmate Kharen is celebrating her 16th birthday today. Yey! She celebrated in a bakeshop in our locality and almost all my classmates and me myself attended with nothing else to do – but EAT! Haha! I ate a lot and sweat was really dripping all over my face even though the room was airconditioned that I had to get a tissue to wipe myself. Most of my classmates were really amused and laughing. 😛

Reading back old entries and seeing how you’ve grown in terms of writing is something that is fascinating. As for the commemoration of my first year of surviving WordPress, I’ll merely plug my first layout whose screenshot can be found in the About page. “Infinite Fortress” is only my second. I still don’t tend to code WordPress layouts that much as I still find them messy.