Another “Weeklong” Post + JSP Training
We had our first day of JSP (Java Server Pages) Training today. We were given this simple task of trying out some codes by copying them from this website and uploading them to our own server. The HTML codes were hideous — capital letters in some tags and presence of deprecated ones. I made it more “good-looking” by transforming what has to be transformed. Then there’s this classmate that comes to me and asks if I was already done, because she would like to use the computer to upload her stuff to her own account. But then, it turns out that she merely changed the username (shrike) I was assigned to in the destination address in the command line!
scp /tmp/*.jsp shrike@
Argh! I wanted to eat flesh that instant. Yes, the effort I made was not total, but I think what she did was still simply penetrating. That’s the last fucking draw! 😡
Two Sundays ago I was in Cebu to attend the graduation of my cousin. She’s a medicine student and this mere fact was the one that drove Mama to oblige me to go there. Such kind of graduations appear to be always held in a hotel, you know. :pirate: I left Iloilo on Saturday and for the first time in my life, boarded the vessel ultimately last, with rain wetting my head and embracing a big box containing a CPU. Aboard, water was flowing on the floor due to the rain that it seemed anytime the vessel would go on its side. Morning came and I realized that the vessel docked beside the one my sisters “took” from Mindanao. So from there on, we were together… My cousin’s mother spent a day shopping and she never got tired from all the walking (good thing there was always a snack, hehe). And her budget seemed unimaginable! Really, they bought a lot of things. The food was excellent on Monday’s graduation. Not drinking any soft drink at all was such a wise decision, else I was not able to taste all the dishes! :laugh:
(Photo Courtesy of Lairy)
With nothing to do on a Labor Day last Thursday, my classmates thought of taking a little walk to town. We took the path at the so-called Hill 70 and found light at the GLOBE tower, ending up at the foot of the new administration building. For posing for a picture in front of oble (The U.P. Oblation) with Lairy, the possibility of not graduating on time has been raised. 😆 Halo-Halo took our exhaustion away… Back at the dorm, my classmate Schiren gave me a customized birthday card. She does it to everyone but I actually did not expect any. The more stimulating (oh, yea) part was, she drew this as the cover of the card! The banner was impossible to replicate, but everything else was as perfect. :cheerful:
P.S. To everyone who greeted, I’ll give you your bottles the moment we meet. 😎 Nah, in other words, thank you and CHEERS! 😉
P.P.S. Laptop’s not yet a month old but has already undergone a Windows reinstallation. 😥