The Bucket List

Posted on March 19, 2008 at 21:08 Down the Drain 10 Comments

Finally, this morning, I got the money BlogToProfit sent me via Western Union. For days, I have been going back and forth to the pawnshop, always seeing either an offline message or there’s no electricity. It was not that much, but good enough for a student. And so the initial plan of claiming it somewhere in the city has been canceled. Needless to say, I still visited the city. The trip going there has indeed been ‘cut’ — you have to transfer to a different jeep to be transported to the city proper. When I arrived at Robinson’s Place, Ricky Reyes’ salon was my immediate stop. I think the guy who did me was the same guy who took charge of me during my last visit. His Barber’s cut is exceptional (yea). Now I look like PPP. :laugh: ๐Ÿ˜† I stopped by National Bookstore and upon my exit someone called my attention by directly talking to me. It was Kristine Joy, a classmate. When she left and I checked the movie schedules and had lunch at KFC. “The Bucket List” was then on.

The Bucket List “Find the joy in your heart.” Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) is a corporate billionaire who believes that in his hospital, there should be two persons in each room, no exceptions. But when he is admitted for cancer, he demands to get a room of his own. His personal secretary merely reiterates his strict rule and thus ends up with a complete stranger — Carter Chambers (Morgan Freeman), a knowledgeable mechanic. While still in the hospital, Carter writes his bucket list (things he wishes to do before dying), until he hears from the doctor that he, too, like Edward, will no longer last long. Carter crumples the list and Edward eventually reads it. Before they even knew it, they were already doing the wildest things Carter could ever imagine, such as skydiving and traveling the world. Conflict arises when Carter tries to reunite Edward with her daughter. The bucket list was completed by Edward’s secretary at the end of the story, where he climbs the top of the mountain the two failed to climb, and bury the list under the snow.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, I suggest you go for it. I don’t know, but movies that deal with time and growing old really inscribes something within me. I have now thought of, “Be not afraid of dying. Be afraid of growing old.” It’s pretty reasonable, right? ๐Ÿ™ I bought a toothpaste and some junk foods before taking a jeep back home (afraid that there might be none at the usual terminal due to the occasional rerouting). That’s 180 (haircut) + 94 (lunch) + 80.50 (movie) + 105.25 (grocery) for the day. Sir Malecosio, the NSTP adviser who was also our Biology 20 teacher, was beside me. He asked me if I could be free this summer to finish or do the program’s website. He also informed me that I was referred to by our teacher when he asked of who can possibly do the work. Now isn’t that flattering or what? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

My Cellphone is Back but WTF

Posted on March 15, 2008 at 10:54 Down the Drain 10 Comments

Last Sunday, while I was sitting in the back of the driver in a tricycle going to the church, my cellphone slipped out of my pocket. I was totally unaware of it. I alighted and paid. When I was about to enter, I checked my pocket and realized that it was not there. For a moment, I thought that maybe I just left it at my bed in the dorm. But then, I was pretty sure it is not the case. And so I tried tracing the path the tricycle took. From a distance, I saw my dormmate and her friend (who were in the back seat of the same tricycle I was riding) looking at me. They know something, I thought. […]

Shoot, I think it won’t please me if I’ll go on with the details. ๐Ÿ˜ก So, onto the the so-called eyeball. As negotiated, we met on Thursday. Immediately after my exam on that day, I flew to the dorm and communicated with the culprit via a friend’s cellphone. Soon enough, he was already in the waiting shed specified as the meeting place. Manang V, a dorm staff, suggested that a person should go there first before me. Two university workers were at the dorm so she requested them to do it. When I arrived at the shed, it turns out that those two men know the guy who was about to give back my cellphone. After a short chat between them, it was our turn. He was not actually the one who found the cellphone, just a friend. Blah. Through our conversation I realized that it’s not worth giving them the reward money they want, which is 500 pesos. When I decided to give the money, instead of directly giving the white envelop, I opened it in front of him and said that it’d better be that I count it myself (or something like that). Since he was not looking at me, and seemed more tense, I only took out 300.

When I went back to the dorm, people were already waiting (as if I was a survivor of a great crash) and congratulated me upon knowing of what the outcome was. I browsed my cellphone and was happy to find the phonebook intact, only a few messages deleted, and some pictures gone in the gallery and some saved from the MMS inbox. Then I saw…a picture of a duck (replace u with the third vowel of the alphabet). What the fuck does those guys think of me? Sorry to say this, but why in the whole wide world should I care on how theirs look like when I have mine that’s?! :devil: Apparently, all my pictures were deleted. Mine all alone. Fine with me, the others have got more sentimental value anyway. My decision of reducing the reward was a wise move in the first place. I was braver, after all, for doing it right on his face. Asshole.