Arithmetic Parser in C
Posted on January 11, 2008 at 17:31 Down the Drain
Today was the deadline of our parser program in CMSC124. I feel terrible. I really tried my best to at least do a few things on my own. In the end, still, I merely copied a classmate’s code. Perhaps C, though actually easier than other programming languages out there, is simply not for me. Hope this code will help other beginners out there.
[download id=”4″]
[111910] Lost it. Will code one when I get the vibe.
Nothing’s New, Year 2008
Posted on January 2, 2008 at 14:32 Down the Drain
New year’s eve was fine. Yes, fine. It was not that fun, but not as boring as Christmas either. At dinner the family that rents the house behind us came and there was also my cousin Lalay and her mama, Tiya Balena. Their ‘little’ presence was already enough to make me, myself, and I happy. It was already almost midnight when the mass ended. I was very delighted that those fireworks that are shot up the sky and scatter in colors are somewhat becoming a fad of the town. I had to take videos. At home, I lit some too — kwitis and rapid fires. One chased my cousin; it was not able to fly high. Everything would’ve been perfect if it weren’t for my father and brother getting drunk (as if I’m not used to it) and my ulcer attacking again. For the new year, still, we got no family picture. 🙁

On New Year’s Day, I felt weak and my teeth felt different. You know, one does it all. It’s basically because of the molar tooth that was extracted last December 30. Initially, it was supposed to be pasta in my front tooth alone. But I turned out having my teeth cleaned and extracted too. Things were smooth — including the anesthesia — until the start of the last procedure. The tooth was found to be abnormal(?). I could hear the ‘cracks’ everytime the dentist screws it. And the usage of those pliers-like thingy really hurt. My face was pulled hard sideways. Anesthesia should have been there too. :tongue:
Dentist: Whoa, feels like I’m extracting a carabao’s tooth. 😆 What’s my sin to you that you’re punishing me like this? :pirate:
I expect that nothing will be new this year. Pessimistic, huh? I heard from a classmate that Dragons are lucky (on business) this year (of the Rat) though. I hope it’s true. :cheerful: 2007’s a year to be remembered, I’d say. Goodbye. Happy NY everyone!