“Strike” Means No Class

Posted on December 13, 2007 at 20:22 Down the Drain 8 Comments

So what does the national vehicle strike bring us students here in UP Miag-ao? Well, no class for some, and that includes us 3rd year CS students. It was such a delight when I knew about it last night, for I was merely using most of the day surfing the ever-tempting Internet, without even taking some clicks on Operating Systems’ Components and Services and System Calls. After hearing the good news, I went to the covered court to watch a Volleyball game. I was just in time for the match between Ryan Damang (a team from school) and Baybay Norte (an ‘outsiders’ team) to begin. It was a close fight. Both teams scored over 20 in the two sets. The latter won. Sayang.

Drat, I’m becoming forgetful. What is it that I’m supposed to blog today? Ah! The Detective Conan episode I recently watched is the Vampire Murder Case. It’s a two-episode case, so having no classes today gave me the ‘great’ opportunity of knowing who the murderer was. On site updates, I’ve been installing plugins here and there. And smilies are now available in the comment forms! :angel: It’ll be our Christmas Party at the dorm tomorrow. I hope everyone gets satisfactory gifts. Tuesday is the big day for the students here who’re bound for Mindanao for the break. As what I’ve eavesdropped :laugh: so far, it seems that this will definitely be a ‘big’ trip catering most of us here! Nah, this is kinda a senseless post. I might delete it. :sweat:

P.S. My stomach continues to burn! Argh! But why is it that it only goes to the extreme at night?

Season’s Festivities

Posted on December 11, 2007 at 14:39 Down the Drain 5 Comments

New layout’s finally here¹. I’m quite satisfied with my WP coding this time (though it overall sucks when you view the code in HTML). This is v.11, and it took me ages to finish it. I initially wanted everything to be on the center, then thought of having it on the right, but ended up still having it on the left.

Last Thursday we had our batch Christmas party at Hilltop. It’s a barbeque house here in Miag-ao. We had a minimum-worth of P20 for our exchanging of gifts. Cool. huh? I bought mine, like, 30 minutes before going to place. Sorry, but I really am not good at buying gifts (and pasalubongs too). I think there were two pairs who literally exchanged gifts with each other. One was our youthful teacher Ma’am Halique and Christi. It happens that Christi hasn’t undergone a class from her yet, so it was quite some acquaintance.

By Friday I had dinner with some of my fellow officers in the Tubao organization. There were only seven of us. I didn’t feel sad, for I was already expecting that number (curse those other worthless officers). Also, I don’t like a big lot. The liempo was great, together with the Red Horse Grande after it. Hehehe..

In a flirt dance dirty dancing (Tango) encounter. In no time I was kissing her lips and t*ts we made out. A scandal of her spread out. Then there were deaths in the family. At the very end, Mama was accompanying two aunts of mine towards the highway, to wait for a bus. I joined them, under the storm, crying.

When I woke up on Saturday, I immediately typed the details of my dream in my cellphone (above). It was absolutely interesting at first, but became the opposite later on. I’ve already taken a Psychology subject before, so I guess I no longer have to wonder how dreams could be of the weirdest sort sometimes.

Our group was the first to present an E-R Diagram in CMSC127 this morning. Outcome was fine. For the remaining number of days, there’ll be no classes in Software Eng’g, Linear Algebra, and Statistics. *woot* Assignments are lurking around the corner though. Maybe the new year at school’s going to be brutal. Tuesday = Next Week = Home = Mindanao.

1. Three days ago..?