Lighting Up The Christmas Tree

Posted on November 21, 2007 at 15:29 Down the Drain 12 Comments

Last night we had this activity in the dorm in which each room is to have a customized pasabit to the Christmas Tree — something that has a picture of the four residents in the room. I never thought it’d be as funny as it turned out to be. There were many “Oohs” and “Wows” for those who really put up effort in their decoration while humor has it for those who, let’s say, didn’t put any effort at all. When everyone was done, the lights were turned off and the Christmas lights on the tree were lighted. It looked really nice. Following that activity was a 1-hour Open House (an activity where everyone is gained access to all the wings of the dorm i.e. boys can go to the girls’ and vice versa). We ‘toured’ the dorm starting from Room 1. When we arrived at Room 7, Shiela was jokingly (perhaps? Lol) trying to mess its door decoration. See, for some reason, she always calls the people residing there “flirts.” But that doesn’t mean the offensive one, so to speak. It sure was funny. When we came to our room, the Room 7 girls were already there and I saw Carmen peeking at my cabinet! Then the others locked us up and when we opened the door, Carmen did very funny gestures as know. Haha. The night would’ve been perfect, until..

I clicked on the cool (yes, that’s the word) avatar I recently made which was stored in the 2GB Transcend JetFlash USB Flash Disk. But then, it said, “Preview not available.” What? The next instant my files were already being removed one by one, by some ghost inside the computer I presume. With no other option left to do, with all those freakin’ weird files around the disk, I formatted it without further hesitation. I am glad that I was able to have a backup of the files in the computer. It was before the semestral break though. And then, I just remembered the HXH mangas I downloaded!! *sigh* I had it copied to my desktop a few days ago pala. So what was lost was basically the newest chapter I mentioned in my previous post. This is the second time that it happened. I don’t know for what reason, is it the flash disk that’s becoming sick? The first time was when a classmate borrowed it to transfer some files. When she returned it, dead. Last night, before I realized it, the computer was playing music, which means that someone did it while I was away. It was strike two. Then again, could one easily do something like this? I don’t even suspect it to be a virus at all.

An “Antique” Fiesta

Posted on November 18, 2007 at 14:17 Down the Drain 4 Comments

Yesterday I went to Funda, Hamtic, Antique to (as what the title says) load my stomach! Lol. We left at 8AM and the 1-hour trip would’ve been perfectly fine if only we had seats. Not to mention my head touching the ceiling of the bus, so I really had a hard time ‘bending’. John Paul immediately met us upon arrival and we headed off to Jennifer’s house. There we met our other classmates who were already in the place the other day and had an overnight. I was with my classmates Rodrigo and Marianne by the way. We ate suman and learned that the others went to the disco the other night and watched this Korean movie “The Intimate.” After lunch (tank full already =D), we headed off to the school(s) where our Antiqueño classmates graduated. We wanted to watch the field demo of the elementary and high school students but it was just so hot being outside. We stayed at John Paul’s and watched “Elimidate” and “The 5th Wheel” in the etc channel. Man, these kinda shows are really worth watching. Finally, we went to San Jose, the province’s capital, to withdraw in an ATM and, at least, catch a glimpse of the place (err, actually, for my part alone). I arrived at the dorm 30 minutes past the hour of 6 and it appeared deserted. Is it because it’s the first weekend since class started? Nyah. Or maybe they all went to the city to watch “One More Chance” starring Bea Alonzo and John Lloyd Cruz. Hehe..

Flirt Wind v11

I actually wanted to blog yesterday but the connection here in the café across the dorm got shitty, as well as earlier today. I almost thought that maybe my domain server’s becoming sick or what. The screenshot above is the banner for my upcoming layout. But grr, I can’t make things out using div tags. So most probably I’ll end up using tables again. HELP! Ugh, hate myself for being very lazy. I’m having a heavy feeling, so I guess I won’t be going to the church today. Lastly, HXH Chapter 267‘s here! ^o^