Down the Drain Archives

Surprisingly Relaxed

Posted on September 28, 2007 at 12:40 Down the Drain 1 Comment

I slept at 3AM (plainly furnishing WordPress instead of academic stuff) and got off the bed at 8:15. Class is at 8:30. I emerged from the bathroom a minute before 8:30 and finally left the dorm in less than 15 minutes. I saw Mary Glo outside our classroom and we went inside together. Good enough, our class hasn’t started yet. Sir Cabunducan continued the discussion on AVL Trees and then proceeded to Multi-Way Search Trees. I don’t know if I’ll be able to absorb and remember all these things. Exam’s on Tuesday. Anyway, for the first time (as far as I’m concerned) I asked a question. It was on how the tree is traversed in the case where a node has 4 children. Sir then had to pause his lecture and asked for our help to post the posters of the animations made by the 4th year. Said that there’ll be visitors today.

In SocSci26 the ‘Economic Group’ carried on with their report. That guy *forgot his name* who always recites in class seemed to plan to do all the reporting on his own. Sir cut him by saying that history stuffs would be boring to those Chemistry and Computer Science majors (referring to us since these two courses are populous in the class). Today’s discussion was pretty neat in a sense that I was able to keep focus and listened to all what Sir blabbed. Too bad I could no longer seem to remember a single thing of what we tackled. Sir Pepito Fernandez really knows a lot.

I haven’t been playing games in my computer lately. Basically because there’s nothing new. But then, somehow I miss playing one. Or perhaps I should try other things instead. For instance, San Diego entertainment. I wonder how it would feel like.

Hello WordPress!

Posted on September 27, 2007 at 21:55 Down the Drain No Comments

Yeee-HAH! After days of figuring out how things work in WordPress, at last, I have my blog use it. I’d say the layout had me somehow motivated. I missed using divs so I decided to use one for v.10 of Flirt Wind. So how have I been doing? Hmm.. Let’s see:

Monday: Ma’am commented on me knowing already how to do a slice serve in Badminton.

Tuesday: Our exam in Assembly was returned and guess what, I got a perfect score! Thanks to the bonus of 3 points. *whew*

Yesterday: We had our very first exercise in PHP and I was able to finish it on time! We had to display the values the user enters in a given form. Our last JavaScript exercise was also used to validate the inputs. The PHP include function was put to use and since I was already familiar with it, no sweat. ^_^ It’s actually the very first PHP function that I learned.

Today we had our 3rd long exam in Stat105. I was able to answer all the items yet only very few of which, I believe, are correct. Lairy made me realize when we had lunch that the value of lambda is simply 1/Mean. I totally forgot about that formula and used the mean directly in solving the Exponential Distribution problem. Nyeah. We also had our exam in Badminton. I got an 83%. I then played with my usual ‘playmates’ Feliza, Charmie, and Rheinhart. We subsequently ate Spaghetti at Heaven’s Bliss and I treated (forced! x_x *lol*) them a liter of Pepsi.

I have a flu right now. I’ve been sneezing here and there and I just hate it when there’s the ‘thing’ inside your nose (ugh). And I can’t help but think of our Bio20 exam last week. We were asked in one of the enumerations to give signs of flu. My classmate said he answered sneezing. I never thought of it. X_X My answers were plain guesses. And the right side of my nose somewhat hurts when touched. Maybe I should get it fixed at Toronto plastic surgery. *woot!*