Yet Another Year, Another List

Posted on January 5, 2010 at 00:35 Life List 3 Comments

Prowling like a tiger, I kicked of my New Year in Manila by going to the mall for two consecutive days now. Yesterday I lunched at Sbarro and snacked at Krispy Kreme while trying to make some progress for a current project. With no intentions of being a spendthrift all year ’round, today I bought a genuine (oh, yes) Nokia headset and a memory card reader flavored with a SIM card reader as well; with the latter 50 pesos more of the price I had in mind. Music will definitely keep my head banging every time I walk the streets from now on. And oh, I had this conversation in one of the stores I enquired:

Me: Is this compatible with Nokia 3120 classic?
Guy: Oh, no. That’s definitely not it. It has only one earpiece. It’s for guards.
Me: (in my head) The heck. So you’re telling me I used to be a guard?

Because for now I’m only human, I still happen to have a list of hopeful resolutions. I won’t be posting them though. Instead, I’ll be rocking out with the things I did during the break.

The holidays were very kind to me. You never know what you’ve been missing until you’ve come to reconcile with them. Avatar on iMAX tomorrow! ‘Til then.

UTI Makes Me Croak

Posted on December 18, 2009 at 05:59 Down the Drain 2 Comments

After yesterday’s Christmas Party (where the exchanging of gifts became possible out of nowhere) we went to Tomas Morato to seek more entertainment. Naturally, we ended up in a videoke room. Man, how I miss disco~ing… Anyway, the liquor’s still there so it’s absolutely fine. :laugh: I sang, like, only two songs because my throat was burning due to hard coughing and the room was filled with lots’a people (yeah, surprisingly). By the time we called it a night at four I was already sounding like a frog that my Japanese teacher said I had a UTI — upper throat infection.

The following day I got up at three and took off for the Lantern Parade an hour later. It has already begun and just as we arrived at the oval, our institution (or whatever you call it) was nearing by. I was spotted by my classmates so we eagerly joined. Watching one lantern after another didn’t bore me at all, especially when the Fine Arts studs entered the scene. Fate exhibited its cruelty on me as my battery emptied just as I was planning to take pictures ’til the end. And oh-ho-ho! The fireworks display made me realize that I can die already. Hail to the sponsors!

After watching the magnificent display I accompanied my classmate in meeting her roommates. After she left, I wanted to be alone and perhaps just take a few steps away from everyone’s happy faces. But no, I still found myself mingling with some classmates and even having dinner with them. Even so, the despicable and mysterious melancholy was somehow lifted. We left KFC around two. No beers for tonight, boys (which is good, since my throat spells a capital N and O). 😎