Womanizer: Nelson’s vlog

Posted on October 18, 2008 at 20:41 Down the Drain 4 Comments


“Disturbia” by Rihanna
A classmate of mine loves this song too much. She told me about its music video and after watching it I was actually some sort of…disturbed? ๐Ÿ˜† The totality of the song is, in fact, good for me as well. [Twitter]

“Leavin'” by Jesse McCartney
Okay, I like this song. But after seeing this video I now undeniably like it more! FTW! [Twitter]


“Womanizer” by Britney Spears
Firstly, a new word’s just been added to my vocabulary. :cheerful: I highly suggest this video to everyone. Britney’s become more gorgeous as if she’s gotten younger and never became bald and gave birth!

Alright, so this has been my first vlog or the so-called video blog (courtesy of nothing else but YouTube)? Is that it? ๐Ÿ™‚

CD-R King is Crap

Posted on October 11, 2008 at 22:54 Down the Drain 4 Comments

No Filipino who’s inclined to using a computer that much would not know the store which sells the cheapest CD’s and gadgets in town. But haven’t you ever thought how ironic it is that they stick to manually writing their receipts which lead to the extremely long queues of customers most of the time? (sigh) Today I bought a laptop backpack and was lucky enough to be able to get it after heading straight at the end after going through a lot of waiting customers in the narrow and only path. And the salesladies? Well, they even have time to chitchat and laugh when all the customers are already about to bite their heads off. But what can we do. Maybe that’s their rule of thumb.

While I was waiting for my purchase to arrive at the lady who does the manual receipts, I heard the people in the mall’s activity area cheer and a guy’s cool voice was soon heard singing. I later found out that it was Hansen “Sen” Nichols of Pinoy Dream Academy Season 2. As expected from a celebrity, he’s got the looks and a very good complexion. I don’t know, but at some point he looked like a gay? After fetching some photos I found out that he was about to leave via the only elevator of the mall. The people on the ground floor (that includes me) looked up at it as it headed off to the third floor and then came back to the second floor after seeing that people has also rushed to the third floor. Cool. I guess being a celebrity is really hard when it comes to fans. Aside from that, it gave me the idea of how exciting it can be at the same time. As I exited the mall I saw the entrance to Ted’s Batchoy blocked by many security guards. As I walked outside and looked at the glass, Mr. Nichols was there together with his personal assistants (maybe) having a meal. Now how ’bout that. ๐Ÿ˜‰