Skipping Reading

Posted on September 18, 2008 at 20:50 Down the Drain No Comments

I skipped World Literature today because I wasn’t able to read the drama piece to be discussed — “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams. I think it was a confusing read. I only relied on soft copy from the Internet which has typos and indention that made it irksome to read, that’s why. I gave up reading it in the end. Before it I finished reading “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller. Again, the copy was not that good. Not to mention how long it was! It’s sad, but it seems that I’ve lost the hang of reading. Come to think of it, I haven’t read a single book (those Harry Potter types) for ages. (sigh) I knew from my classmate that they had a fun discussion by re-enacting some of the scenes where our teacher (who happens to be male) took part as the character Amanda and the female and male students as her children Laura and Tom, respectively. According to my classmate, Amanda had to make the boys repeat some of their lines over and over again (over a scene where dialogues among characters were overlapping) because they were so lame but one. Neat, I would have laughed my heart out there.

My Tennis racket’s head cracked again. That’s the second time in one year. It’s really no wonder as both of them were only handed down and lent to me. But why? What must I do to prevent such a thing to happen? Could it be a sign that I should already retire from playing the sport at this young age? Not a chance, I guess. I’m still grateful that at least it didn’t crack during the sportsfest. I played with my partner this afternoon (using a borrowed racket) and guess what, after me telling him what happened, he noticed that his racket already has a crack and poof! It eventually cracked like mine. I finally saw our trophy after not attending the awarding ceremonies then (Mama scolded me for doing so). My partner brought it on court upon my request. Say simple but see cool. I’ll post pictures later… Been playing Pokemon Pearl by the way. Still as exciting as the other versions. The graphics are, of course, way better than the first ones.

Pokemon Pearl

This is stupid, I still haven’t got any interest with my academics. Our teacher in two major subjects just left the country which makes life more light and idle. I don’t know his exact comeback but his mere absence is something that I didn’t really want. Help.

Pahampang 2008: Game Over?

Posted on September 13, 2008 at 16:42 Down the Drain 4 Comments

I came back from Manila last Tuesday night and the trip in general (particularly arrival in Manila and back in Iloilo) was a complete disaster. I lost my watch and the food I brought for my roommates and my high school classmate’s letter and memorabilia for his sister who’s a freshman in my college. The following day held the grand cheering competition. Our group ranked 4th and their concept of “old people” was a good one to me. The ordering was led by the Skimmers (Kung Fu fighters) followed by the SoTech (whose concept was pretty vague and confusing) and, lastly, the Clovers (dissected organisms). During that day our Lawn Tennis women got eliminated. By Thursday we had our first defeat in Tennis against the Scions (last year’s champion) where I played against their dexterous player. Score was 1-6. At least he gives off some mercy now. It was still the IT Week in Iloilo and we assisted in the very first computerized database-powered IT quiz later that day. It didn’t work out at first but eventually got on track. It was fun, difficult, and tiresome, y’know! The boundless possibilities of mastering PHP and MySQL has somehow become crystal to me now.

Friday (yesterday, that is) was the day for the semis and finals of Lawn Tennis. We lost to Ugyon putting us on the 3rd position. They then no longer played another game immediately giving the win to the twice-to-be-beaten Scions. Imagine that? I had to rush from one venue to another because Badminton was also ongoing. I was the first singles player and I did not win any game. :faint: WTH. Oxygen is my ultimate enemy in every sport. But knowing that my opponents also feel tired from playing and that my score is not that low to be worth some shame would already be enough for me. At the end of the day, our standing was 1-1 (one loss, one win). The Literary Musical (Litmus) activity took place at night and the Elektrons (that’s us) got some descent places in the ranking. Our modern dance was grool — as in great + cool — yet it only ranked 4th. Our career in Badminton ended today. I was the second singles this time and I scored 26 against 30. Again, it was Ugyon who beat me. 😥 I felt glad thinking that the audience might have possibly had fun watching us as I was hearing claps behind me every time I get a point when my teammates are on the other side. Furthermore, that my first opponent yesterday was even there to support our team and giving me advices on where to make the cock fly. Still, I realized what should have been done only when the opponent was about to win.

I really am excited on how the Elektrons will do this year against the Clovers, Fisheries, Magnates, Redbolts, Scions, Skimmers, SoTech, Tycoons, and Ugyon. In less than 2 hours I shall know. I hope this will be it. Edit: I forgot to say that my whole body aches. I can hardly stand from sitting.