Gatecrash and Fahrenheit

Posted on July 17, 2008 at 21:28 Down the Drain 3 Comments

Redbolts, the academic group that compose six courses in the college where I belong, is notorious for having its acquaintance party in the covered court every year. After a series of acquaintance parties — Tubong Mindanao (Tubao) and Balay Gumamela a.k.a. GD (Dorm) — that I have been through so far in my last year (hopefully) of schooling, I have had the strong willpower of conducting a gatecrash in this lot. Together with my other plans, I need to make the best out of this year! Hehe. And so, last Friday, after going to the College of Fisheries’ party, I, together with my party comrade Lairy, went straight to the court after a quick session at Omp’s Corner. It was already midnight when we made our way in the already-vulnerable gate. Roxanne, our classmate who shifted to a “Redbolts course”, greeted me. In a flash, the scene during the disco at the dorm happened again. Spending the remaining hours until the next opening of the dorms (@5:30) in the bakery in town wasn’t that easy, especially when other people are LOL-ing in the brink of dawn. Another mission accomplished. N (where N is a positive integer) still remains. :pirate:


If you’re a Filipino currently residing in the Philippines like me, then I think you must’ve also heard about the Wu Chun (bottom right) and Calvin Chen (top right) mania. I first became quite familiar of this Wu Chun when my classmate would always skip playing balls to watch Hana Kimi. Also, because of another series that goes by the title “Romantic Princess”. Ultimately, they’ve come to visit the country. As I watch the two Taiwanese from the band Fahrenheit on TV, I couldn’t help but reminisce the F4 days. Really. It was summer and I was an incoming sophomore high school when they hit the screens and captured the hearts of everyone. The sight of Chun and Calvin singing one of their songs also reminds me of how the music of F4 conquered the local music charts for months even though without the lyric subtitles, it totally couldn’t be understood. Hearing the two speak quite some good English was another interesting thing. I have always believed that if you are a celebrity then you should at least be able to speak some basics of the universal language. I know, for sure, that girls all throughout the country have gone mad while facing their television sets. Here in the dorm they were yelling unstoppably. I even heard of one in the other dorm who actually rolled on the floor. Say what?! 🙂

GD Acquaintance Party

Posted on July 9, 2008 at 20:51 Down the Drain 8 Comments

This year’s theme for the program was ABS-CBN’s “The Singing Bee”. The hosts were last year’s Lakan and Lakambini (Mr. and Ms. Dorm) and quite similar to as how the show proceeds, they sang lines of songs leaving out some words blank to be answered by those whom they’ll point their mic to. Basically, they merely left a single word to be guessed. 😯 :sweat: 😆 They then played Wowowee’s “Hep-Hep-Hurray!” in order to choose the winner. :cheerful: The presentations of the new residents followed subsequently.

People were yelling and cheering all throughout. I’ve come to realize recently that there will always be something one can get — entertainment — in every acquaintance party. It only takes the guts to attend. The snack — hotdog and marshmallows on stick, sandwich, bihon, and iced tea — was not as, uh, enjoyable as the previous years, I’d say. *shrugs* Maybe the House Council should really be headed by a senior. It was only during last year (our junior year) in which no senior ran for candidacy. But anyway, I believe things will eventually go with the flow. Ah! I forgot to mention that instead of having dress codes per wing this year, we decided on “profession codes” instead. We were geeky nerds. The others were composed of the dark emos, Sunday dressers, executive forces, and model fashionistas. After the snack was a special number for one of the dormers who recently turned 18 — a little debut party, that is. After a few picture-takings, we left for Omp’s Corner to you-know-what. It was incompletely planned. We went back to the dorm minutes past midnight. I was glad to see that there were still people dancing in the bare lobby (heard the disco lights got broken). From then on, I never rested until 2AM. Got off the bed today at 11.