First Sportsfest

Posted on March 2, 2008 at 20:22 Down the Drain 6 Comments

First Sportsfest in UPV Miami (Miag-ao)

Well, that turned out fine. The super hell week ahead was left forgotten at least for a day. :angel: :cheerful: ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰ We, the Blue Team (2nd year & 3rd year), was beaten by the Green Team (1st year & 4th year). Then again, as what Torrance Shipman said in “Bring It On”, feels like first.

Some Elections

Posted on February 28, 2008 at 19:21 Down the Drain 3 Comments

Today was the elections for the student council of our college, the College of Arts and Sciences. As what I said in One Point, I did not vote. Many of my classmates voted and said that they voted me for governor. :laugh: For this year’s elections, only our academic group, Elektrons (composed of Applied Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Statistics), has no candidate for the said position, which implies the possibility that we won’t exist next school year. Their reason of voting me is because I used to joke about running for the position.

Classmates: You’re going to win landslide!
Me: Elektrons, never fear! Your governor is here! ๐Ÿ˜†

In the afternoon, I took our 2nd long exam ahead of my classmates because I desperately wanted to attend my Badminton class. I just can’t imagine myself losing again by default. Taking the exam alone was pretty awkward, not to mention the time that seemed to have moved faster than the usual. Nevertheless, I was able to answer all the items on time. Hopefully, my score will be tolerable. Anyway, when I went to the court, I found out that there’s no class. :faint:

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