Party and Seminar

Posted on December 22, 2007 at 20:10 Down the Drain 3 Comments

Yesterday I went to Trento (a town about an hour away from ours) to attend the Christmas Party of my parent’s office, National Food Authority. We were in a swimming pool. As it turned out, it wouldn’t qualify as a “party” at all. Really. Before, when I was younger (ouch, the term hurts), their parties are simply held in their office and there are parlor games and exchange of gifts. This year’s didn’t even have the latter — actually the former too! There also used to be a special part for the kids. The new manager brought his youngest son. He’s grown-up and cool. I remember him in one of those kiddie parties before. Sigh, I don’t wanna be told to grow up.

Today I went to the seminar for the baptism of our classmate’s son tomorrow. The lady who was up front first seemed like she wanted to scold us or something. The two who followed were fine, especially the third one. I think Mama knows her. The seminar was basically about The Seven Sacraments. That was my first time. Majority of us participants were teens..? There were 12 of us high school classmates, but only 6 who went to eat to Rose Bakeshop to eat after a ‘long’ day..

Bad Luck, Bad Tuck

Posted on December 18, 2007 at 16:27 Down the Drain 2 Comments

I was such in a bad mood earlier today. The reasons?

  1. Negros Navigation will be delayed. Instead of 4PM, it’ll arrive at 8:00. (now what am I supposed to do in 8 hours?!)
  2. I lost my coin purse. Argh!
  3. I have no money and I badly want to buy something to bring home. Aarrgghh!

Well, I guess moving my butt was the only solution. I arrived at Robinson’s Place at 14:00 and ate lunch at Chowking. Then I bought Christmas lights worth P99.75 at *what was the name of that store again?* Lastly, I bought some Iloilo/Bacolod delicacies. I was also at the place yesterday. We stumbled on this store “Toys Express” which sells some naughty stuffs. I even overheard one guy looking for a fleshlight. Oh yeah. You go dude. If you guys (for sure) don’t know what it is, err, you can Google it if you’re curious. I think the lady gave him something that’s definitely not for him though — a dildo. Resist the urges pretty boy!

My purpose of coming to the city yesterday was to attend the annual Lantern Parade of the university. It was worth the time. And I hoped that we had a better lantern for our academic group. I’m now at SM. I’m kind of excited at the same time scared :laugh: that the trip tonight will accommodate majority of the Mindanao-residing students from school. And oh, did you guys see the Meteor Shower last Friday night (alternatively Monday dawn)? At first I was trying to count, but then realized that there’s just too ‘many’ of them. Earlier that night was our Christmas Partey at the dorm. Received boxers, as wished. 😎