Life in Technicolor
Posted on January 14, 2014 at 01:31 Life List
Six years ago, adrenaline rushed inside me as I was catching up on the manga of Hunter x Hunter (among those on my favorites list) after the anime was discontinued. With its remake two three years ago and the latest episode, it all came back to me again. Seeing a manga page in action and full colors is absolutely more than what a fan can ask for.

What Plane?
Posted on December 28, 2013 at 05:53 Tipsy-Turvy
It’s been a week since our Winter Wonderland-themed Christmas party. How’d it go? Well, in a nutshell, I just remade what I wore in Macau last February, except for the now by-the-sea-inspired hair color. Such a broke bastard. :suspicious:
Work was suspended two hours earlier to give employees ample time to prepare for the event. I had to rush to the mall to buy one last thing and arrived home just in time to literally and figuratively wrap everything up. At the venue, it was quite a sight to see everyone in their winter clothes, only that it was not really that cold for us to appreciate what we pulled off. The food was great, but I really think it shouldn’t have been served while the departments’ presentations were ongoing. Then there was the beer drinking challenge which I was looking forward to with all my might heart. Unfortunately there were 13 of us participants and the committee didn’t have any plans of accommodating one more head than what was originally planned. So, I gave way, which totally sucked. Oh, well, I know I can beat them all in the real world. 😆
Much to my pleasure, aside from the raffle where everyone wins, with an iPad Mini as the last shot, there was an open bar. Right after our presentation (where I sucked in my part ’cause I failed to realize it was already time to conquer the stage) I immediately downed four different cocktails. The rest of my night was basically spent on going back and forth there. When 11PM, the scheduled end time of the party, struck, so did the bar, on the dot. My flight the following morning was at 5:00 but since a supervisor invited some of my teammates to an after-party and I happened to know the place, I stayed for a bit. It was already 3:00 when I left after forcing back some soberness into my head to walk back home and stuff in the bag what was supposed to be stuffed.
I was grateful for the hour-long delay of my flight, giving me time to happily hug my backpack and get some sleep in the airport. The moment I came to life, I read that it was delayed for another hour. On my second resurrection, I was one of the two passengers being paged to board. With blood pumping back in me I sprang to the counter in a flash to fight for my life flight. They let me in, but apparently there was some trouble with my check-in that they had to hold me for a few more minutes, which totally made me very anxious. I even had to ask if the aircraft has already been shut, ’cause that would further lessen my chances of boarding it. In the end, I was indeed the last one to hop in, in jeans, sneakers and, wait for it, sando. I must’ve looked like a total idiot to the rest of the passengers.
With the charger left behind, a cellphone drained dry, and my sister waiting to fetch me, I searched the mall (after getting off the shuttle from the airport) for a charger or data cable. In an instant there was a charger, but I doubted a power source, so I opted for a data cable for my also dying Power Bank. On the verge of just heading home and unwillingly ditching my sister, it miraculously powered up my BlackBerry. :sweat: The moral of the story? Don’t have too much when you have an early flight the following day. And don’t forget that damn charger. Had I been left by the plane, that would’ve been my fourth time already. Yeah, you can try to beat that.