Deadly Calculator Applet

Posted on October 24, 2007 at 09:00 Down the Drain No Comments

(10.17) One of the requirements to pass our CMSC140 class was a Java Calculator Applet. Applets were not discussed in depth because we were more focused on Web programming (I guess?) so it was undeniably hard for us to make one from scratch. Because of this, well, obviously, we simply searched for codes – both complex and simple – online. The main thing that was left for us to do then was to understand and, perhaps, modify the codes. My classmate Marc found one that used Objects and Classes like the ones our teacher used in his examples. I asked their group if we can use the same code and they benevolently nodded. And so the big day came. Of course, since we only copied our (copied) code, I had to let the other group go first. I did not listen to them, and it turned out they were not able to completely defend it. When it was our turn, I was trembling. Haha. I think Sir, knowing that all of us didn’t do any of the codes, planned to question every portion of the code as much as possible. With the help of my groupmates Lairy and Sheilamae, we survived. Whew!

At night, Schiren called me at the dorm and asked me if it’d be a good idea that we, classmates, have some quality time together at Omp’s Corner. Yes, it was the perfect time. So there we were, munching nuts while gripping Red Horse bottles on one hand. Hehe.. Too bad we didn’t file late permits so we had to, err, start walking before 10PM struck. We ordered a sisig before finally leaving the place. It was good, yeah.

* Hey, do you think the Internet’s too influential these days? Uh, there’s no doubt about it, right? Everything’s possible – information, multimedia, entertainment, money, instant chatting, fame, publicity. I don’t know if you’ve already heard of this guy George Lindemann? Well, I’ve had so many assignments anchoring him, so.. I’d say that he’s worth knowing. Click!

Apat Dapat, Dapat Apat!

Posted on October 20, 2007 at 13:57 Down the Drain 7 Comments

I am currently in Cebu City – cutting trips to Mindanao since I was unfortunate enough to get a plane ticket. I’ll be taking another sea trip this evening and hopefully, I’ll be ‘home’ tomorrow. I am in Netopia (where else? lol) right now here at SM City and I just had my lunch at KFC. As usual, I ordered the Chicken Strips Meal and an additional rice. Before it, I watched this movie by Wenn V. Deramas which stars Rufa Mae Quinto, Eugene Domingo, Candy Pangilinan, and Pokwang. It was already in my plan to watch this movie even when I was still in Iloilo. Today, when the cinema corridors were still empty, I browsed through the posters and read Apat Dapat, Dapat Apat!’s. It was then that I realized that Candy looked dead in the poster. Well, it turns out that she really was in the movie. The storyline goes like this:

As children, they were involved in an accident that made them promise each other to become the best of friends. They eventually grow up in the same place. Rufa Mae got a funeral service business; Eugene, a hunk boyfriend; Candy, a hot-headed family; and Pokwang, a husband and two children. Then one day they decided to go to Hong Kong to become domestic helpers. Candy was unluckily assigned to a cruel couple. She got killed. Her three bestfriends had no other choice, after being threatened, to bring her body home and hide her death until Candy’s family is ready to take it. But how will they device a plan that the family that ought to know the truth will not kill them if this little secret is revealed?

I actually thought that I would have all the laughs I could have because the main characters holds today’s funny names. But it turned out not. I really hated the scenes when Candy got maltreated. Argh, the character of the wife looked awful with her posture and talked Chinese (or I don’t know) in a way that really haunted me. It’s so sad that this thing happens to be true for some Filipinos out there. Tsk. I should’ve really watched Stardust instead (the synopsis got me very curious when I read it earlier). Nyeh. ‘Damage’ has been done, so be it.