A Day in Nihongo Class

Posted on September 26, 2009 at 02:23 Down the Drain 5 Comments

Sensei: Akuran-san, Nihon no uta o shitte imasu ka.
Watashi: Hai, shitte imasu.
Sensei: Taiteru wa nan desu ka.
Watashi: Himitsu desu.
Sensei: Taiteru wa “Himitsu” desu ka.
Watashi: Iie. Himitsu desu.
Sensei: Sou…

(Sensei indicates that I sing in class one of these days and a classmate points out the presence of a karaoke machine in the classroom.)

Watashi: Jodan desu.
Sensei: Iie, jodan janai.
Watashi: Jodan desu yo…

Later I was murdered by my classmates when we had a drawing activity where we work in pairs and one tries to guess the person his/her partner is thinking and drawing it out on paper. In any case, I’ll see them in court. Haha.


Posted on August 26, 2009 at 21:46 Down the Drain 2 Comments

As of this point I have successfully slaughtered a quarter and there are three more that I need to finish off so that I can walk with pride and money some time soon. Nah, the latter is actually just a part of my typical hallucination. The quarter break’s only five-day long, which gave my parents a solid reason not to let me go home. A Plan B — visit my alma mater to hit some balls ’cause it’s sports fest time, babey — didn’t work out either. Talk about being stuck with myself. I need to party.

All the grades, as promised yesterday, were not released today. In fact, only one was provided. As usual, they presented the list with only the students’ student numbers. But how the heck will it promote privacy when the list is actually still sorted alphabetically? Give me a break. Stuff in college is the same as here. Guys with last names such as mine have no escape at all. In any case, I was really hoping for a hard copy of grades, but apparently they’ll only be provided online.

So what do I have in mind for the next five days? Let’s see… play Tennis, extract PNG’s, update sites here and there, party (oh, yes), and err, study in advance? Yeah, right. Talk to the dead, mister.